Inky's Collection Site

About Me

Hi! I go by Inky online- thank you for visiting my site!

I decided I wanted to have a collection site of my own after seeing other people with really neat collection sites. I collect a whole bunch of things, and this site should be MOSTLY all of them... there's always the odd set of trinkets that I end up with. There's also plenty of collections that I have in mind but haven't started yet! I love looking for things- one of my favorite things to do is browse antique malls with my mom. Some of my collections started when I was a kid- I have a few dolls from when I was a year old and latched onto them, and my mom has passed down dolls and Breyer horses to me- and others (like my Star Wars collection) are more recent interests. Right now I'm mostly focused on Barbie-sized fashion dolls since I don't have a lot of shelf space at the moment.

As for me as a person, I'm in my 30s and already animorphing into my grandpa, and that started even before I started living in his old house. My older cat and I are co-dependent (the younger one both puts up with us and drives us crazy) and my horse is basically my son (lovingly co-parented by my mom). I'm coming to terms with the fact that I might actually qualify as disabled, and I'm trying to get my brain to cooperate with me well enough to write one of the novel ideas I have floating around or at least focus on art. I enjoy the whimsy in things and I'm trying to focus on that. I love reading, embroidery, sewing, and all kinds of crafting- I used to bake a lot and I'm trying to get back to that.

I'm learning how to code, so the site might look pretty wonky for a while! I have a sweet friend who is walking me through some complicated things, so hopefully I can figure out what I'm doing XD

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